I was in high school one of the “problems” that our forward-thinking teachers
anticipated was what people would do with all the free time that the new
technology (e.g., dishwashers and vacuum cleaners) would give us. This was the
same curriculum that insisted that for the rest of our lives we would need to
know how to use a slide rule.
and I have solved that problem by chasing butterflies.
latest trip, however, we found ourselves being chased more than we were
had two “target butterflies” in mind for our July trip: the Mitchell’s Satyr, a
seldom seen denizen of the Sarett Nature Center in southwestern Michigan that
flies around July 4, and the Regal Fritillary, rare in much of the Midwest but found,
also in July, at Kankakee Sands (officially, Efroymson Restoration at Kankakee
Sands) in northern Indiana. We later learned that it is fairly common in
Nebraska, but it was rare enough for us. We’d seen and photographed the female
a year ago, and this year we were after the males.
stopped at Sarett on our way to Indiana. It was a hot day, at least by Michigan
standards, and we’d had some rain recently, so we encountered what we thought
at the time was a lot of mosquitoes. We did see and photograph a few
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Eyed Brown |
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Eyed Brown - rarely seen open |
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Baltimore Checkerspot |
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Monarch |
not the secretive Mitchell’s which, when they are flying, tend to dart quickly
above the grasses and bushes before diving down for cover. After several hours
of frustrated walking and waiting, we abandoned our search and headed for our b&b
an hour away.
Sands, a restored prairie of 7,000+ acres, is located in the midst of prime
Indiana farmland. This year, however, thanks to 33 inches of rainfall, 20+
inches in June alone, large stretches of that farmland were under water.
Puddles abounded. And puddles breed mosquitoes. We’d been warned by Alyssa, who
helps run Kankakee Sands and was letting us stay at a cottage on her property,
that we would probably need to wear mosquito netting. As photographers, we dismissed
this suggestion as unworkable. How bad could they be?
We ventured out on the afternoon when we arrived and managed to photograph our
targeted Regal Fritillary, along with its cousin, the Great Spangled Fritillary. Our task was made difficult by our constant swatting and
spraying of DEET, hopefully on our faces and not our lenses. We wore several
layers of clothing, including turtlenecks – outfits rarely seen in Indiana in
July. We wore them to the restaurant, where folks graciously seemed not to
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Regal Fritillary |
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Regal Fritillary |
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Great Spangled Fritillary |
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Great Spangled Fritillary |
arose early the next day to photograph birds that inhabit Kankakee Sands. We
learned that when you call a Henslow’s Sparrow using the app on my iPhone,
mosquitoes flock to the source. We also learned that they flock the same way
when you stop calling. Same is true for Grasshopper Sparrows. Fortunately, the
latter appeared to sing and be photographed.
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Grasshopper Sparrow |
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Grasshopper Sparrow with Breakfast |
The Henslow’s Sparrows sang abundantly and nearly invisibly from
their cover, deep in the prairie grass.
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Henslow's Sparrow |
had planned to spend four nights at the cottage. But comfortable as the cottage
was and gracious as were our hosts, Gus and Alyssa, we only lasted two. Home
was only a few hours away. And as he drove along I-94 in the mosquito-free
air-conditioned comfort of our car, we decided to pull off the Interstate for
another try at the Mitchell’s Satyr.
time the mosquitoes at Sarett were lighter, or at least they seemed that way
after Kankakee Sands! And as we walked along the boardwalk loop where we’d been
told our target liked to hang out, Kim spotted one about 10 feet off the path.
Sarett is very serious about folks’ staying on the path and not destroying
fragile habitat, and we, of course, had left our telephoto lenses in the car,
foolishly hoping for close-ups with our macro lenses and, in my case, not wanting
to haul a big lens in the heat. So I hustled the half-mile back to the car,
grabbed the big lenses, and hustled back to where the Mitchell’s had
disappeared back into the undergrowth. Here’s the best we could do:
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Mitchell's Satyr |
with many of our trips, what we enjoyed the most were surprises, not targets.
We loved meeting Gus and Alyssa, and their kids, Forest and Savanna. We are so
impressed by the work they are doing for conservation and prairie restoration
as well as the lives they are living, in the woods on the edge of the prairie
complete with chickens, peacock, goats, dogs, and of course, mosquitoes. And we
loved meeting Jeffrey and Sandy Belth. Jeffrey is the author of Butterflies of Indiana, a highly praised book that does everything
a field guide should do, and does it well. We became friends in the brief time
we spent together on the prairie.
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Jeffrey and Sandy |
we also saw and photographed birds and butterflies that were not on our short
target list, but which amazed us just the same.
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Dickcissel |
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Gray Hairstreak |
how Kim and I have solved the “problem” of so much free time, something we
never seem to have enough of.
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