was a shocking day when we learned that Kim has been breaking federal law for
years – repeatedly, without a qualm of conscience. I could picture her in
conversation with her cellmate, both clothed in road-construction orange:
Kim: What are you in for?
I killed my asshole husband. How bout you?
Bird nests. I collected them. Along with feathers.
No shit?
Collecting bird nests, feathers, or eggs is in violation of the Migratory Bird
Treaty Act of 1918. There are a few exceptions: If it’s OK to shoot and kill a
bird, then it’s OK to collect its feathers, which makes a kind of sense. And
even though the government’s record of enforcing treaties is a bit spotty (just
ask a Native American), we’ve seen enough of Orange is the New Black to want to stay out of the slammer.
first response was to hide her nest collection. While our friends know and love
Kim for her creative and natural approach to home decoration (we also have some
hornet’s nests), our house is on the market, and who knows when the bird police
might walk through and call the cops.
second response was more artistic: She decided to make her own bird nests. So
for a period of about two weeks our daily walks did not feature cameras but
rather bags to collect the raw materials. We gathered twigs, stripped some bark
from trees, peeled threads from the leaves of palms, peeled the skin off of
some protruding roots. We even collected a long strand of cobweb from a giant
spider who was not pleased to have his trap disturbed. On one walk we found a
clump of what I guess was a clump of treated human hair that had been removed
from a brush or comb and thrown from a car window. We collected a few other
human discards since we had seen some in nests we had observed.
retreated to her studio to start work on the nests, while I retreated to the
sink to wash and rewash my hands.
not sure exactly what she was doing in there, but the results were very
authentic. At one point I suggested that to make the project even more
true-to-life that she build the nests only using her beak, but she thought I
was joking.
the nests were finished, we had to come up with names for the birds that
produced them. Here are the results:
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Yellow Catcatcher |
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Betula Thrush |
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Black-eyed Vireo |
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Lady Palm Warbler |
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Tiny Tree Hopper |
plan is to slowly bring the nests out of hiding, display them along with Kim’s
nests, and claim that Kim made them all. But after showing her nests to a few
friends, we decided that the plan would not work, mainly because nobody would
believe that a non-bird had actually made the nests.
What are you in for?
I killed my asshole husband. How bout you?
Counterfeiting. I made counterfeit bird nests.
No shit?
Okay, this is hilarious- and fantastic! Wait, I have contraband in my cottage from this nest thief! I would not last a day in the clink- Kim, help me find a hiding place for this illegal property!